Apostasy happens slowly. That's how it happens.
Let's take a look at 1st Timothy:
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, through the pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving; for then it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer." (1 Timothy 4:1-5 RSV).
The Spirit says, so this is a true saying. He also says it expressly. Other translations use the world clearly or explicitly.The Spirit wished to impart a clear and pointed teaching, not in metaphors or parables or symbols but in clear words, for emphasis. He expressly says some will depart from the faith. Not that they ever were true Christians (though many would have thought they were) but that they would leave the doctrines that undergird our faith and give expression to it. How would they do this? The Spirit continues: they gave heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.
They gave heed. This means that they yielded some small part of their mind or their heart to some small portion of untruth, even for a moment. But that is all it takes. Remember the first words of satan in the bible, Genesis 3: "Hath God said?" This is a direct attack on His word, and Eve gave heed to it. You know the rest.
"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding the form of religion but denying the power of it. Avoid such people." (2 Timothy 3:1-5 RSV)
These who fall away from the faith have a form of religion. The outward appearance is one that fools people -for a while- that they are true believers.
Paul wrote about Demas three times. Demas was a co-worker alongside Paul for many years. Demas was with many wonderful men of the faith: Luke, Epahras, others. He had traveled, witnessed, prayed, served for many years.
We see Paul mention him in Colossians-
1. Our dear friend Luke, the doctor, and Demas send greetings. (Colossians 4:14)
We see Paul mention him in Philemon:
2. Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my co-workers. (Philemon 1:24)
We see Paul mention him in 2 Timothy:
3. for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. (2 Timothy 4:10)
Worker, worker, gone. That's it. He's gone. How? Why? Because Demas loved the world. Obviously the Father had not been in him, because you can't have the world AND the Father in you. (1 John 2:15). One or the other will win out, and it will be whichever one you give heed to.
So did Demas leave suddenly? Physically, probably yes, his departure was probably abrupt. But how long had the apostasy been in him? All along. You sink slowly. Let's look at an incident that I believe illustrates this. Peter was not apostate, but the metaphor here is interesting because of the physics of it. Remember when the storm was tossing the boat, and Jesus walked over to the men in the boat on top of the water? Peter asked the Lord, if that is really you, then I will walk on water. And Peter got out of the boat, and for a minute he walked on water too. But when he noticed the stormy circumstances and took his eyes off Jesus, is when he lost it. Most people teach that passage as an illustration of how we have to keep our eyes on Jesus, and it is true, we do. But I'm interested here in the phrase, began to sink:
"But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me." (Matthew 14:30).
Every translation records the same, "began to sink." Think about it. Peter was a burly guy: using his body and his hands to make a living fishing. He had muscles. He was probably 175-200 pounds. Solid muscle. If you toss a 200 pound boulder in the water, does it begin to sink? Or does it sink? Plunk, gone? The latter, it just goes under. But here the bible records Peter sinking incrementally.
That's what happens in apostasy, you slowly sink under the waves of sin, until you're completely covered. Apostasy is an incremental departure. It is like in Hebrews where it says:
"Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. (Hebrews 2:1)
The Greek word pararrhyéō ("drift away from") only occurs in Heb 2:1 where it refers to going spiritually adrift – "sinning by slipping away" (from God's anchor). 3901 /pararrhyéō ("gradually drift away") means to "lapse" into spiritual defeat, describing how we slowly move away from our moorings in Christ. (source)
How can you make sure you love Christ and not the world, that apostasy has not crept in, that you are not drifting away? Of course our wonderful bible has the answer:
"Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!" (2 Cor 13:5)
So...how do we examine ourselves? Here is one page using scripture that helps guide us through the common tests:
Are You A Christian?
TEST 1: Gospel Belief and Confession of Faith
2) Born Again / Sonship / Correction;
3) Repentance / Deliverance from Sin;
4) Good Works by Grace, and
5) The Fruit of the Spirit.
Don't sink, don't leave, don't drift. Examine yourself and stay in the faith!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Iran says they will wipe Israel off the face of the earth
Iran issues new threat to Israel
"An Iranian military official threatened to “wipe” Israel “off the face of the earth” if the Jewish state attacks, a stark new threat coinciding with the start of a European Union oil embargo to put pressure on Iran’s nuclear program, Reuters reported. Revolutionary Guards General Amir Ali Hajizadeh reportedly issued the warning as he announced new missile tests to take place in the coming week."
When prophecy meets the news, and the news meets prophecy... the convergence really gives me chills
"An Iranian military official threatened to “wipe” Israel “off the face of the earth” if the Jewish state attacks, a stark new threat coinciding with the start of a European Union oil embargo to put pressure on Iran’s nuclear program, Reuters reported. Revolutionary Guards General Amir Ali Hajizadeh reportedly issued the warning as he announced new missile tests to take place in the coming week."
“If they [Israel] take any action, they will hand us an excuse to wipe them off the face of the earth,” Hajizadeh said, according to state news agency IRNA.They say, “Come, let us wipe them out as a nation; let the name of Israel be remembered no more!” (Psalm 83 ESV)
When prophecy meets the news, and the news meets prophecy... the convergence really gives me chills
Hot, with a chance of Godzilla. The forecast from Aaron Justus
"Freelance Meteorologist Aaron Justus worked as the Weekend Meteorologist at WTVR CBS 6 in Richmond, Virginia for just over four years. A clip of Aaron giving a wild forecast released this week and is one of the most watched videos this weekend. The forecast includes soaring temperatures to above 300 degrees from a volcanic eruption, a global super storm dropping 1-200 inches of rain and Godzilla." (source)
Weather is getting so crazy... what else is there to say?
Weather is getting so crazy... what else is there to say?
Authoritarian axis rising, land temperatures, the dumb church, Bethlehem in danger
The Diplomat has a good article out this week. It explores the new axis of power and the reasons for its emergence. Any student of prophecy who understands the prophesied main aggressors and players in the run-up to and through the Tribulation will immediately understand the implications analyzed in this article.
Russia is a major player as well as the Kings of the East, the Asia-Pacific nations of the Orient. (Ezekiel 38:2-3; Daniel 11:44; 9:13-21; 16:12-16). Though throughout all of history the East has never formally allied with the Middle East, the Euphrates being a divider as well as a border. Russia has always been an aggressive force through history. We are seeing these important prophetic pieces coming together as this article outlines. The reasons for the authoritarian emphasis are also prophetic. The group rising to power certainly isn't democracy-friendly and we see that fact in the Tribulation with first the formation of the ten kings (Rev 17:12; Daniel 7:7-8) oppressing the world and then the final king of the antichrist as the ultimate expression of authoritarian power.
An Authoritarian Axis Rising?
"It isn’t the “axis of evil.” But a number of authoritarian states are showing a troubling tendency to look out for each other. It takes time for societies and policymakers to understand that a major shift in global affairs is afoot. But what we see clearly, in recent months, is the emergence of a new constellation of powers.By coordinating their policies, this grouping of powers is beginning to profoundly reshape global affairs, especially in the Asia-Pacific, Indo-Pacific, and Eurasian regions. Who are the members of this group? Today, it includes China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela. Such a concert of nations can only inject turmoil into the international system. It is a relatively new phenomenon that represents a radical shift in international politics, perhaps as momentous as the Soviet Union’s collapse two decades ago."
Why are the youth leaving the church in droves? Robin Schumacher explores the answer to this question in the Christian Post:
The Tragedy of the Dumb Church
"In short, it happens because much of the Church today is dumb. Don’t misunderstand me, I mean no disrespect when I use the term ‘dumb’. What I mean is that the Church is dumb in that they aren’t well educated in what they believe, fail miserably in fulfilling 1 Peter 3:15 that says all Christians should be prepared to give a reason for why they believe, and are woefully unable to handle any challenge to Christianity that comes from unbelievers or the cults."
This interesting article below talks not about the air temperatures, but the land temps and how these sparked and supported the many wildfires going on now in the American Midwest.
NASA's sizzling map of U.S. heatwave displays the burning temperatures that in just eight days broke the last 11 years' average
"While blazing wildfires throughout the central United States consume hundreds of homes and force thousands to flee into this weekend, a sizzling map captured by a NASA satellite only days before helps reveal why. ... Painting the central U.S. in red, the same area currently battling unrelenting wildfires, the map taken by NASA's Terra satellite brandishes a depiction of what they politely call: 'unusually hot weather.'
Below is a different map showing broken heat records, and the one I clicked on is where I live. It was 109 degrees yesterday.
One of only two borders in the Middle East under a peace treaty (Jordan is the other) Israel now looks to the ominous events in Egypt with the election of Mursi the Islamic Brother, and gulps. Israel Behind the News has an analysis-
Morsi Is Israel's Nightmare, But The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow"We have reached the moment feared by generations of Israeli Intelligence and GSS chiefs. The ultimate nightmare scenario is playing out in front of our very eyes -the same narrative that played a major role in the terror scenarios that starred in the secret war games of the IDF and the Israeli defense system for an entire generation. The moment when Egypt fell - into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. The inconceivable is materializing in front of our eyes. The “cliff” - Shimon Peres,[the Israeli President]‘s, nickname for Hosni Mubarak - has been washed to sea, and is being replaced by the Muslim flood. All this transpires in the largest Arab country, Israel’s major strategic peace partner, the regional anchor, the neighborhood balance factor. It’s over."
All is not well over at the other border, that is, Jordan and Syria. Turkey borders Syria too and Turkey hasn't been happy with the spillover for a while. Now it's Jordan's turn to ratchet up their concern. The Jordan Times has the news-
Jordan ‘tightening borders’ amid Syria spillover fears
"Jordan has tightened entry restrictions along its northern borders, security officials say, amid concerns that the ongoing influx of Syrian refugees may become a threat to the Kingdom’s national security. According to a security source, authorities have imposed a new policy barring the illegal entry of unaccompanied Syrian males between the ages of 18 and 40, turning away “dozens” from the border in the last two weeks. The new policy comes amid growing concerns in Amman of attempts by opposition activists and regime agents to infiltrate the growing refugee community — whose numbers officials place at over 140,000 — to carry out political or military activities on Jordanian soil. “There are fears that as the number of rebels and regime loyalists increases, Jordan may become a new battleground for their conflict,” said the security source, who preferred to remain unnamed."
Earthquake Shakes Baja, California
"News 11 has reports of a 4.9 magnitude rolling earthquake that shook Yuma and Imperial Counties around 8:30 P.M Saturday evening. It was centered near Guadalupe Victoria, Baja, California with the nearest larger cities being Yuma and El Centro. News 11 also recieved calls from viewers as far as Welton and the Foothills who also felt the rattle.There have not been reports of any damages or injuries but News 11 will continue to track down the details."
There actually have been 14 quakes at Baja, near Mexicali, where the large 7.2 quake occurred 2 years ago.
Bethlehem was in the news earlier this week too. When Russia's Putin visited there Palestinian Authority's Abbas held a ceremony honoring Putin with a street in Bethlehem named after the Russian Czar.
Birthplace of Jesus added to UN's World Heritage in Danger list
"The United Nations (UN) Scientific, Cultural, and Educational Organization (UNESCO) has listed the Church of the Nativity, which sits on the site identified by Christian tradition as the birthplace of Jesus, on its list of sites in danger, officials said on Friday."
Aren't you glad Jesus was born to seek and save the lost? I am. So those were some headlines for today. Enjoy your Lord's Day of worship, prayer, study, and family.
Russia is a major player as well as the Kings of the East, the Asia-Pacific nations of the Orient. (Ezekiel 38:2-3; Daniel 11:44; 9:13-21; 16:12-16). Though throughout all of history the East has never formally allied with the Middle East, the Euphrates being a divider as well as a border. Russia has always been an aggressive force through history. We are seeing these important prophetic pieces coming together as this article outlines. The reasons for the authoritarian emphasis are also prophetic. The group rising to power certainly isn't democracy-friendly and we see that fact in the Tribulation with first the formation of the ten kings (Rev 17:12; Daniel 7:7-8) oppressing the world and then the final king of the antichrist as the ultimate expression of authoritarian power.
An Authoritarian Axis Rising?
"It isn’t the “axis of evil.” But a number of authoritarian states are showing a troubling tendency to look out for each other. It takes time for societies and policymakers to understand that a major shift in global affairs is afoot. But what we see clearly, in recent months, is the emergence of a new constellation of powers.By coordinating their policies, this grouping of powers is beginning to profoundly reshape global affairs, especially in the Asia-Pacific, Indo-Pacific, and Eurasian regions. Who are the members of this group? Today, it includes China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela. Such a concert of nations can only inject turmoil into the international system. It is a relatively new phenomenon that represents a radical shift in international politics, perhaps as momentous as the Soviet Union’s collapse two decades ago."
Why are the youth leaving the church in droves? Robin Schumacher explores the answer to this question in the Christian Post:
The Tragedy of the Dumb Church
"In short, it happens because much of the Church today is dumb. Don’t misunderstand me, I mean no disrespect when I use the term ‘dumb’. What I mean is that the Church is dumb in that they aren’t well educated in what they believe, fail miserably in fulfilling 1 Peter 3:15 that says all Christians should be prepared to give a reason for why they believe, and are woefully unable to handle any challenge to Christianity that comes from unbelievers or the cults."
This interesting article below talks not about the air temperatures, but the land temps and how these sparked and supported the many wildfires going on now in the American Midwest.
NASA's sizzling map of U.S. heatwave displays the burning temperatures that in just eight days broke the last 11 years' average
"While blazing wildfires throughout the central United States consume hundreds of homes and force thousands to flee into this weekend, a sizzling map captured by a NASA satellite only days before helps reveal why. ... Painting the central U.S. in red, the same area currently battling unrelenting wildfires, the map taken by NASA's Terra satellite brandishes a depiction of what they politely call: 'unusually hot weather.'
Below is a different map showing broken heat records, and the one I clicked on is where I live. It was 109 degrees yesterday.
One of only two borders in the Middle East under a peace treaty (Jordan is the other) Israel now looks to the ominous events in Egypt with the election of Mursi the Islamic Brother, and gulps. Israel Behind the News has an analysis-
Morsi Is Israel's Nightmare, But The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow"We have reached the moment feared by generations of Israeli Intelligence and GSS chiefs. The ultimate nightmare scenario is playing out in front of our very eyes -the same narrative that played a major role in the terror scenarios that starred in the secret war games of the IDF and the Israeli defense system for an entire generation. The moment when Egypt fell - into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. The inconceivable is materializing in front of our eyes. The “cliff” - Shimon Peres,[the Israeli President]‘s, nickname for Hosni Mubarak - has been washed to sea, and is being replaced by the Muslim flood. All this transpires in the largest Arab country, Israel’s major strategic peace partner, the regional anchor, the neighborhood balance factor. It’s over."
All is not well over at the other border, that is, Jordan and Syria. Turkey borders Syria too and Turkey hasn't been happy with the spillover for a while. Now it's Jordan's turn to ratchet up their concern. The Jordan Times has the news-
Jordan ‘tightening borders’ amid Syria spillover fears
"Jordan has tightened entry restrictions along its northern borders, security officials say, amid concerns that the ongoing influx of Syrian refugees may become a threat to the Kingdom’s national security. According to a security source, authorities have imposed a new policy barring the illegal entry of unaccompanied Syrian males between the ages of 18 and 40, turning away “dozens” from the border in the last two weeks. The new policy comes amid growing concerns in Amman of attempts by opposition activists and regime agents to infiltrate the growing refugee community — whose numbers officials place at over 140,000 — to carry out political or military activities on Jordanian soil. “There are fears that as the number of rebels and regime loyalists increases, Jordan may become a new battleground for their conflict,” said the security source, who preferred to remain unnamed."
Earthquake Shakes Baja, California
"News 11 has reports of a 4.9 magnitude rolling earthquake that shook Yuma and Imperial Counties around 8:30 P.M Saturday evening. It was centered near Guadalupe Victoria, Baja, California with the nearest larger cities being Yuma and El Centro. News 11 also recieved calls from viewers as far as Welton and the Foothills who also felt the rattle.There have not been reports of any damages or injuries but News 11 will continue to track down the details."
There actually have been 14 quakes at Baja, near Mexicali, where the large 7.2 quake occurred 2 years ago.
Bethlehem was in the news earlier this week too. When Russia's Putin visited there Palestinian Authority's Abbas held a ceremony honoring Putin with a street in Bethlehem named after the Russian Czar.
Birthplace of Jesus added to UN's World Heritage in Danger list
"The United Nations (UN) Scientific, Cultural, and Educational Organization (UNESCO) has listed the Church of the Nativity, which sits on the site identified by Christian tradition as the birthplace of Jesus, on its list of sites in danger, officials said on Friday."
Aren't you glad Jesus was born to seek and save the lost? I am. So those were some headlines for today. Enjoy your Lord's Day of worship, prayer, study, and family.