Friday, January 13, 2012

Costa Rica volcanic eruption and strange hum

I've noted for a while now some certain strange noises happening. Some call it "sky rumbles" while others simply call it "the hum". From Canada to Britain, these sky hums have been happening more frequently. They also have been happening over a wider area when they do occur. Last week one happened in Costa Rica that the entire nation heard. When I saw the news come across the alternative news sites, I was startled by how penetrating the hum seemed to have been, and how utterly startled the whole country was. After a day or so, the regular, mainstream news sites and newspapers started carrying news of the strange boom.

Strange sonic rumble perplexes Costa Rica
"Early Monday morning, [January 9] an unknown hum reverberated across Costa Rica, leaving citizens and experts throughly confused. According to OVSICORI, the Costa Rica Volcanologist and Seismologist Organization, there was no tectonic activity at the time. Volcanologists discounted a volcanic eruption; nor was it a supersonic aircraft, because the powerful radar at Juan Santamaría International Airport outside of San José picked up no planes at the time, not even subsonic ones. Also, there were no climatological phenomena or strange weather conditions. By nightfall Monday, the speculation was still going along briskly with the major vote going to fireworks at the festival at Zapote, in San José."

Oh, those pesky fireworks, being blamed for the January 2011 AND the January 2012 bird deaths, and also the source of the strange halo over Mile High Stadium as the Broncos played last weekend.

One Costa Rican website report, its staff presumably familiar with the geography of the area, posed the inevitable question-

"[On] January 9, 2012, Costa Ricans awoke to a strange loud sound that emanated from the sky.
The frightened residents called the authorities to report the strange-sounding hum. The explanation they received, left many of them suspicious. No way was the thunderous sound anywhere near what fireworks sound like. The authorities though, remained steadfast in pushing their fireworks explanation to the nervous callers. According to a local newspaper, it was described as a “a strange audible booming or humming sound.” “Local news channels are leaning in the direction of fireworks but many remain skeptical,” according to the article. The article goes on to read:"
Now, it’s important to note that the reports of the strange sound in the Costa Rica skies Monday…came from as far as Perez Zeledon – what is the likelihood of anyone in Perez Zeledon, some 170kms from Zapote over the tallest mountain range in the country, hearing fireworks from Zapote? Not likely."
The Costa Rican weekly Newspaper Tico Times reported on it three days later as a follow-up:

Mysterious explosions still unexplained
"Authorities say the boom was not a volcanic eruption or a supersonic aircraft"
"Monday morning started off with a bang for residents of the Central Valley when a loud, as yet unidentified, series of booms rattled windows about 30 minutes after midnight. Many did not hear it, but enough people did to cause a firestorm of comment on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. The strange sound was prolonged – many described it as lasting for five minutes or so. Perhaps the only one making no comments were scientists and government authorities, who were reticent about commenting or speculating. A few things it wasn’t: Volcanologists discounted a volcanic eruption; nor was it a supersonic aircraft, because the powerful radar at Juan Santamaría International Airport outside of San José picked up no planes at the time, not even subsonic ones."

So four days after the inexplicable sky noise heard over hundreds of miles of Costa Rican area, where all the populace was perplexed but assured that no tectonic of volcanic activity was present, a volcano erupted.

To be sure, Costa Rica's volcano Turrialba is an active volcano. The Smithsonian Global Volcanism program states that "Fumarolic activity continues at the central and SW summit craters." Local news reports that "yesterday, January 12, 2012 from noon, the Turrialba volcano began a profuse emission of fly ash, gases and aerosols from an area between the central and southwestern crater, where it opened a new gap of several meters diameter around 3 pm."

I don't know how frequent or infrequent it is to have a new gap open up on an active volcano, or to have a new area of volcanic activity emerge when the previous activity had always been centered elsewhere. But I am interested in all anomalies because Jesus said they would happen and to look up when we begin to see them.

As for the hum...I'm frankly fascinated by them. They are a phenomenon, as this BBC article discusses: "According to sufferers, it is as if someone has parked next to your house and left the engine running. 'The Hum' is a mystery low frequency noise, a phenomenon that has been reported across Britain, North America and Australia in the past four decades."

Some of the 'hums' have been discovered to be produced by an industrial cause, one, a diesel engine and another, industrial fans. The others, no one ever found what the hum was caused by.

I like to think about 'the other side'. Jesus appeared in the midst of them in the Upper Room. (Lk 24:36-43). How did He materialize? Do you ever wonder about that? I do. Or when the crowd was incited to a riot intending to push Him over the cliff, He simply walked out from among them. (Luke 4:29-30). Where did He go? How were His molecules operating to allow Him to appear and disappear, through thin air?

I think of the veil, the veneer between us and the powers, principalities and dominions (Eph 1:21, Col 1:16; Eph 6:12) and I wonder, how thin is it? Elisha prayed to God for Him to give Elisha's servant a glimpse of it, and the servant's eyes were opened and he saw the multitudes of angels right there hovering and ready to do battle. (2 Kings 6:17). It reminds me of the problem in quantum physics: The Measurement Problem. This problem is described thus: an atom only appears in a particular place if you measure it. An atom is spread out all over the place until a conscious observer decides to look at it. It is the act of measurement, observing, that creates the entire universe." (Physicist Jim Al-Khalili, BBC's Atom). So when the atom isn't being observed, where does it go? Is it still there but invisible, like the army Elisha's servant couldn't see?

Are the two sides so close together that an occasional co-mingling occurs? Sounds leak from one to the other? I don't know of course, but I wonder about these things.

Traveling in Scotland was amazing. I loved it. I've always been spiritually sensitive, and I noticed that in Scotland, land of standing stones, Celtic Druids, foggy moors and crumbling castles, that the veil felt particularly thin. It wasn't the Godly I was feeling nearby, but the eerie or demonic, particularly in standing stone circles. It is a place where legends of giants still persist. Other places where I felt that was the Salton Sea in California, and Gray Maine. Did you ever feel that, a place that gave you the willies for no reason? Or a place that was so pure you felt you could drink it in forever?

What I'm trying to say is that when a populace hears a strange hum,  it is interesting to think that it might be a sound from the other side.

When I read that the volcano began its newest eruption I thought of the strange hum in that same nation. I thought of the veil, and all the activity that is going on behind it. The principalities, powers, and dominions are fighting furiously for control of the earth. The demonic powers know the bible's outcome but their evil is that they refuse to believe it. So they fight. God sends angels to do His bidding, and ultimately, we know that God is sovereign and will prevail. The conclusion is foregone. But the activity behind our realm of hearing and seeing is furious and ongoing. What is that hum? I do not know. But it was heard by many, and as God lifts His protective hand from the world perhaps the earth's people will be hearing more.

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