Thursday, April 26, 2012

Morning praise

I live in a pretty area, one that the Lord led me to 6 years ago. He asked me to leave all I had ever done, all the people I had ever known, and all the scenery that I had ever seen, and move to Georgia. I said "OK."

I drive through pretty areas on my way to work. I pass a barn, and pastures, and see cows and colts and foals and lambs. I see green fields with waving hay and eagles and heather and pine trees. It is quiet and there's little traffic. If there are 4 cars at the four-way stop sign it's a jam. I sing and pray and praise Him the entire way. Every day.

He chose to re-make my life for me here. It is a better life than I would have had if I had remained, I see that now. He knows what is best. Bless You, Lord. May Your will be done.

This morning, I was thinking the thoughts I write below. I hope you sing and pray and praise Him for all His works in the world and for what He does in your life, too. He is wonderful gracious, and loving. He is our Savior and our God.

The seasons He ordained progress their rounds in the calendar

The birds gather much more will He provide His children?

He causes the supernovas to explode, and the gnats to fly.
He causes the sequoias to grow, and amoebas to divide.

He is greater than all that is in the world.
Let praises of His holy name ring throughout
the universe from end to end.

And even then, He is greater than all.

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