Sunday, May 20, 2012

Suicide, follow-up

With all gentleness and love, I want to broach a sensitive subject a second time this week. The national and global suicide rate has been skyrocketing. Many of the people who have despaired of life are even youngsters, pre-teens. People are without hope, and in these troubled times it seems to many people a more logical thing to end it all. I am so saddened by unnecessary death, and even more so, people who are not saved thinking to end their struggle and pain only to find themselves in eternal pain...O! I am mourning these times! I am praying for Jesus to come! I am pleading with people in person and in prayer to live closely to Jesus and to stay in His light, for it is VERY dark out there! Even Christians are despairing and some are talking of ending their lives.

I first noticed the phenomenon by reading the local paper and saw that there were an unusual number of people in my area who took their lives recently. Then, a buddy from Ireland sent a video he produced on the topic, because his heart had been burdened with seeing and understanding the same things. His video is below. Suicide is increasing. Then, another buddy, this one from UK, sent a note about the unusual number of suicides in her area. We read in the news this week about RFK's wife hanging herself. Last, it was noted at church prayer meeting about the number of suicides lately in and around our county.

So earlier in the week I wrote the piece I linked to above. In it there is a checklist of things to look out for in people who may be considering killing themselves. I ask you to please keep the checklist committed to memory so that if you see a dear one self-harming or hear of a loved on speak of suicide you will know how important it is to launch into action and into prayer.

But now here is another plea. Dr. Patrick Heron uses the scriptures to plea for your soul and for all who are in despair. There is NOTHING happening to you on this earth that Jesus does not know about and does not care about. He cares about YOU. And in the next life, you shall be in incomparable glory! But in HIS timing, not yours.

What does the bible say about suicide?

Why should I NOT commit suicide?

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." (Romans 8:18)

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