"Let's all try to be calm and rational about this. In addition to Tim Tebow throwing 316 yards in the Broncos' upset over the Steelers (Tebow painted Bible verse John 3:16 under his eyes in college) and fans replacing "Tebow" with "Jesus" on their jerseys, apparently a halo-like smoke ring formed over Mile High yesterday after the Broncos scored their first field goal. Mark Neuman-Lee, an attendee of the Steelers/Broncos game and photographer of the "Mile High Halo," tells HuffPost he'd never seen the ring prior to yesterday's NFL upset. Two season pass ticket-holders also told HuffPost the halo seems to be an anomaly."
I don't want to read too much into it. But I do like that strange clouds are happening and that people are starting to think of God when they do.
In other unusual sky happenings, there have been triple hole punch clouds in South Carolina, where one hole punch cloud is an assured rarity, never mind three. (Thanks to the anonymous commenter who tipped me off about the halo cloud over Denver.) Two weeks ago there were rare Kelvin-Helmholtz clouds in Alabama. People are still talking about the strange cloud over Moscow two years ago. A few months ago a strange bubble in the sky over Beijing mystified.
Was it a sundog? I remember seeing one last year at school. I took photos and wrote about it here. The scientific name for those are parhelion which from the Greek means next to or near the sun. The Mile High halo wasn't. I'm sure someone will come up with an explanation. Or not. Jesus said, "And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars" in Luke 21:25 Keep looking up for our Redemption, he said that strange things will be seen in the sky. He also said people who love Him will be hated. (Mt 10:22; John 15:19)
NFL Analysts: Tim Tebow Hated Because of His Faith
"Outspoken Christian athlete Tim Tebow, now the starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos, has been widely criticized by many in the media. NFL analysts are starting to admit that criticism, in large part, has been because of his faith."
Shame on them, but at least they are starting to admit it. I am positive that if Tebow had gone down to pray to Allah at sunset, the NFL analysts would have complimented him on his faith.

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