Two weeks ago a weird yellow haze formed in the Chinese city of Wuhan, too. Here is a pic of the mushroom cloud. That is one scary cloud! And the lightning, too!
Did you notice that many of headlines these days refer to the apocalypse?
Apocalypse-like hailstorm in Dallas
Election Apocalypse: Greeks hoard canned food
Drachmageddon? Middle-class poverty. Feral gangs. Neo-Nazis. Athens waits for the volcano to explode
Zombie Apocalypse: Bath Salts Emergency Calls Increase Dramatically in Indiana
Apocalypse now, but we just carry on regardless
'Drachmageddon"... "Election Apocalypse", "Apocalypse-like hailstorm.." etc. ... Yet here is an irony--
Young people's belief in God, Judgment Day plummets
"Pew asked respondents in the poll to agree or disagree with the statement: “I never doubted the existence of God.”Sixty-eight percent of those in the Millennial Generation agreed, a figure that has dropped 15 percent in the past five years. Eighty-three percent of under-30 respondents in 2007 said they had never doubted God’s existence. The figures perhaps reflect the increasing boldness of atheist authors and philosophers in public debate, or perhaps the less-than-stellar behavior of prelates who proclaim God’s word. Pew laid out a second statement in its poll: “We all will be called before God at the Judgment Day to answer for our sins.” The Millennial Generation is likewise showing doubt of Judgment Day: 67 percent agreed with the statement, down from 74 percent in 2007."
That's what I mean when I say 'irony'- that though fewer people say they don't believe in apocalypse, more and more the secular world is talking about it.
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