Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Looks like Krakatau went bang (UPDATED)

Here is some more information about Krakatau, present and past.

Erik Klemetti (Professor of Geosciences at Denison University) wrote that the volcano "The volcano had been experiencing a very sharp increase in seismicity, numbering over 6,000-7,000 earthquakes a day (well above the background of 100-300 per day)." He said that quite a number of people had been writing him to alert him to the renewed activity at the volcano. This volcano holds the world's attention for the reason that its 1883 eruption was one of the loudest and most globally-affecting events in historical times.

The volcano that exists today is actually called Anak Krakatau, or Son of Krakatau, because the cataclysmic explosion of Aug 26-27, 1883 destroyed the volcano completely. Anak has grown in its place.

The website "How volcanoes work" tells the story of Krakatau. "Early in the morning of May 20, 1883, the captain of the German warship Elizabeth reported seeing an ~11-km-high cloud of ash and dust rising above the uninhabited island of Krakatau, thus documenting the first eruption from this Indonesian island in at least two centuries. Over the ensuing two months, crews on commercial vessels and sightseers on charted ships would experience similar spectacles, all of which were associated with explosive noises and churning clouds of black to incandescent ash and pumice. From a distance, the largest of these natural fanfares impressed the local inhabitants on the coastal plains of Java and Sumatra, creating a near-festive environment. Little did they realize, however, that these awe-inspiring displays were only a prelude to one of the largest eruptions in historic times. A series of cataclysmic explosions began at mid-day on August 26, and ended on August 27 with a stupendous paroxysmal eruption. On this day, the northern two-thirds of the island collapsed beneath the sea, generating a series of devastating pyroclastic flows and immense tsunamis that ravaged adjacent coastlines. The events that began on August 26 would mark the last 24 hours on earth for over 36,000 people, and the destruction of hundreds of coastal villages and towns."

The site How volcanoes Work has eyewitness accounts and gripping newspaper articles.

It unleashed one of the most violent explosions mankind had ever seen. The results of that explosion were that the ash spread over the equatorial belt over only two weeks, and stratsopheric effects such as bizarre sunsets and sun haloes and other effects lasted two years and were seen as far away as London. The global temperature dropped be several degrees. The sound of the explosion could be heard 3,000 miles away!

The area near Krakatoa was enveloped in a strange darkness, as dust and particles blasted into the atmosphere blocked sunlight. And as winds in the upper atmosphere carried the dust great distances, people on the other side of the world began to notice the effect. When Krakatau rumbles, the world takes notice. Interesting article here

Prophetically, one begins to see how these events of Rev 6:12-14 would unfold. John wrote- "I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood; and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."

Since Krakatau's explosion affected the entire world for years, and affected the optics regarding the sun and moon, one can understand how a bigger volcanic explosion accompanied by a tremendous earthquake at Krakatau, or any volcano, would produce the terrors described in the Revelation verse.
----------------update end----------------

video here and I used 'google translate' to translate into english.

Son of Krakatoa, Anak Krakatoa, erupts
"Village of Mount Krakatau in Pasauran, Cinangka district, Serang regency, Banten, again increasing. Current status of the Son of Krakatoa are at level three alert, and experienced continuous volcanic earthquakes as much as 5773 times. Conditions that have occurred since Friday, September 30 yesterday, with a volcanic earthquake activity continued to increase until today. Elsewhere, conditions in the post monitors located in the Village Pasauran, a little overwhelmed to do the monitoring because of foggy weather conditions. According to the Head of Post Monitoring Child of Krakatoa, Anton, since the status of the Son of Krakatoa in three alert levels, volcanic activity continued to increase until today. (DSY)"

ht to @typhoonfury = James Reynolds

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