Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Beth Moore says God lifted her into another dimension & showed her the church through Jesus's eyes

This clip is a minute long. UPDATED to include full transcription, and a large explanation about extrabiblical revelation.

Transcription: "... to beg to differ with people that are ten times smarter than I am. But I want to say to you I see something different than that. I see God doing something huge in the body of Christ. I do not know why I have had the privilege to get to travel around, see one church after group of believers after another, interdenominationally, all over this country, but I have gotten to see something that I think is huge. And I'll also suggest to you I am not the only one. And tonight I'm going to do my absolute best to illustrate to you something that God showed me out on that back porch. He put a picture...I've explained to you before I am a very visual He speaks to me very often of putting a picture in my head. And it was as if I was raised up looking down on a community, as I saw the church in that particular dimension- certainly not all dimensions, not even in many, but in what we will discuss tonight, the church, as Jesus sees it, in a particular dimension."

Do you know how crazy this sounds? Do you know how wrong this is? Do you know the danger you are in if you believe her?

I had seen that clip of her saying Jesus took her up and showed her the world in HIS dimension a few days ago. I was impacted greatly by it: horrified, aghast, astounded would be words to describe my thoughts and feelings when I heard that from Mrs Moore... and days later I am still feeling that way.

She literally said that God somehow mentally or emotionally or spiritually (Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know) took her into a dimension above the world to show her how Jesus sees His bride, effectively saying she was seeing thru Jesus eyes. Didn't satan do that to Jesus, take Him up and show to Him all the world's kingdoms? (Mt 4:8) Didn't the Lord lift up Paul and show Him things, but which no man is permitted to tell? (2 Cor 12:4). Apparently women are, though. Is Mrs Moore more special than Paul? Has God changed His mind on permissions since then? The only conclusion I can make is that God changed His mind on the lifting up and the telling, or it is satan showing her these things. You can guess which one of these two I believe.

The rampant problem of Christians who teach and preach that personal visitations from God are the normative experience are actually chipping away at the foundational truths from the bible which is the ONLY revelation now. (Hebrews 1:1-2)

Yes, God can do what He wants, and He can give revelation, but is He behind personal visitations and whispers and visions? That is the question. I believe the answer is no. He has said that currently He wants us to know Him through Jesus, who is the Word and His word is found in the bible. I go back to Hebrews 1, and also Revelation 22;18,"warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book." Revelation is the last book and with that admonishment, the canon closed. There is no new "seeing thru Jesus eyes" to be gained. It is all in the bible.

What Mrs Moore is saying is that God gave her a special revelation that is apart from the bible and subsequently she is here to teach us about it.

If we accept that we have authoritative word from the bible, PLUS Mrs Moore's visions, PLUS Bill Hybels' whispers, PLUS Colton Burpo's visit to heaven, PLUS Mary K Baker's visit to hell...where does it end? I say to one and all it ended at Revelation 22. You can read about it more here at MacArthur's site, "Does God still give revelation?"

The canon of scripture is closed. I do not believe Jesus is continuing to give authoritative revelation, and certainly none that we accept as a "teaching" about His church

From GotQuestions about the canon:
"The acquisition of knowledge regarding such things as the true nature of God, the origin of the universe and life, the purpose and meaning of life, the wonders of salvation, and future events (including the destiny of mankind) are beyond the natural observational and scientific capacity of mankind. The already-delivered Word of God, valued and personally applied by Christians for centuries, is sufficient to explain to us everything we need to know of Christ (John 5:18; Acts 18:28; Galatians 3:22; 2 Timothy 3:15) and to teach us, correct us, and instruct us into all righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16)."

I reject Mrs Moore's claims of being raised up to see the church in another dimension as Jesus sees it.

We don't need to listen to individuals who say they have had a vision of being lifted up into His dimension, when Jesus came into OUR dimension to tell us, all of us. I'm grieved daily that people increasingly show us by their acceptance of heaping up these teachers who tickle the ears that His intrusion into our dimension was not enough. Now we must go to His, and come back and tell. This is what I mean by the current belief in the bible's insufficiency. God does have a vision for His church and that vision is contained in the bible. Listening to one person's extra-biblical revelations about what God showed her and her alone, and through Jesus's eyes no less, is dangerous in the extreme.

I see these things being said from people within what was once a conservative denomination, and I see and hear others even in churches around me here in GA saying similar, and I wonder, 'have they all gone mad??' but the answer is yes, I fear. It is as though as the Lord lifts His hand in ending the Church Age, the delusion that will come upon the whole world is infiltrating even now (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).

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